EH Trial 4 (Visual Response)

From looking at the animations "The Me Bird" by Pablo Neruda and "Smile for London" by Scroobius Pip I have combined elements of these animations to create a trial animation for the first paragraph of “Jelly, Jam and Buttered Toast”.

 I created a grid as a background for my animation where I changed the colours of the squares on Photoshop to make it look like a traditional checkered breakfast tablecloth.  I then layered these over each other when saving each section of the animation to give the same depth that is created with the frames in “The Me Bird”.  I really like the effect this gave as the base tablecloth but next time I think I would use more texture if trying to recreate this, as the colours where a bit simple and due to all the colours being plain some of the text didn’t stand out that well.

 I then went on to create lots of different styles of typography, some simple and some with more design, but mostly based around the object they were talking about as I thought in “Smile for London” this worked really well.  I tried to combine the element of using the last image to bring in the next by using some motion but found this difficult due to the way we were animating and was unsure how to create this effect although I did use drips and small-large letters to try to pull the next images in.  In my next piece I will try and develop this further as I think it’s a really good way of making the animation look smoother rather than just flashing images. 

I think the thing I need to improve on most is the definition of my typography and also think about how I want to lay them out in the actual end animation.  Next time I will design each slide as a whole piece so that it is easier to put together and I know how it will look in the end outcome.  The element that I think worked really well was the use of combing the text and images I also think with some more developing the background tablecloth could provide a really good starting point to this breakfast animation.