RR - Final Idea Developments

This animation was a test to experiment with different ways for features to come into the animation. The two I decided to use involve a lot of frames but I think that the final outcome is worth it. I have also included the logo that I have designed in my book. I feel that the animation still looks plain and I need to find a way to fill in the black background.

To develop the previous animation, I have added a background that I felt fit in with my chosen subject (American Diner.) In my opinion, this fills the background nicely, and is faded just enough that the logo is still clear to read. I decided to carry the skyline on as it creates a black page to carry onto the next part of the animation. I think this works as the screen isn't just going blank suddenly and the skyline is visible till the last moment. I've also added an extra few seconds of the next part of the animation to show further development. I liked the checkered background for the first slide, so I decided to keep it throughout the animation so there is another subtle theme throughout. Also added is a different logo for the 'menu' page, keeping the red, white and blue colour theme. I decided to make this middle part of the animation into a menu page to show that the animation is promoting the breakfast diner. I feel this message is show clearly.

For my final idea, I've added a verse of the poem into the animation to show what I plan to achieve in my final piece. I have kept the idea of using photos from previous animations. So far I have not used a variety of fonts and plan to research various fonts I could use in my final piece. Looking back on the piece, I do not like the ending were the background changes. I don't feel it is a necessary feature and is a distracting addition. Although I have continued to use the second logo on this piece, I also feel that it's not as appealing as the main logo. To correct this, I will design a new logo that will be used throughout the whole animation.