Evaluation Of Final Piece
For this animation project I did not really plan anything instead I improvised during the production and after seeing the outcome I thought I could have actually planned a production method in doing this animation brief because it would have help me a lot considering this is one of the first time I did animation. I would say I am most proud of the transitions I applied to the clips just using repetition of image however I thought it took an awful amount time for me to do other things for this project but on the other-hand I am satisfied with the result. As I said earlier I spent an awful amount time doing one thing and I have let the other things fall apart but if I had another chance to do this again I would do things differently and produce a timetable which limits the time I will be spending on each contents in order to achieve an even amount of work. One of the animation artist that influenced me in doing a typography type animation is Randall Stephens "I statements" this animation is basically based on just pure typography and I thought the transitions he applied to it was brilliant.The development did not go so well because I did not get to produce a fair amount of animation I could have developed through the time I was doing it but on my book I thought the development was alright, I wouldn't say its good. Following that the experimentation links to development because without experimentation you cant really develop a lot in your design however my experimentation on this project I would say is good because I have tested different things throughout the production. The aim of the brief is to use animation for advertising breakfast food which I thought I answered well because its I have created typography which relates to breakfast foods which was the point of my animation. We did not get to choice our own topic for the final piece instead we as a class had the same objective to do which is to produce an animation and I thought I responded to this assignment well because I did what it ask me to do its just I did not produce enough work for it. I strongly think my final piece strongly communicates clearly to the brief its just I didn't finish my final design for the reason being that I lack time to do it, its not because we were not given enough time its because I spent way too much time on one thing and didn't get to finish other stuff. I would say I am proud of my transitions in my final piece because I thought they were produced well however my final piece just needs finishing and editing to get it in a perfect position. As you have read before if I had to do this project again I would change time limits on producing something and even out the concentration for the whole topic. For my next topic I have already thought of what I will be doing first of all, I would plan a timetable and manage the time I will be spending on each contents